Randall L. Gallagher Memorials

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Sign Donated to Legion

Randall L. Gallagher Memorials Inc. recently donated a granite sign to mark the location of the new home of American Legion Post #87 in Woodsfield. Randy Gallagher said of why his business decided to donate to the legion, ā€œIā€™m a veteran, and I felt like this was a worthwhile project for the new building.ā€ Gallagher was made aware of the need when someone from the legion called him for pricing. Knowing that the post does not have a lot of funds at its disposal, he told them he would install a sign for free. Pictured behind the granite sign are, from left, : Clem Kress, trustee of American Legion Post 87; Randy Gallagher and Justin Gallagher of Randall L. Gallagher Memorials. The main office is located at 131 S. Main St. in Woodsfield.